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Zweiter Mittwoch im Oktober: Tag der Katastrophenvorsorge

TeaserbildDieser Tag wurde auf Initiative der Vereinten Nationen geschaffen
Ban Ki-Moon UN-Generalsekretär / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken

Ban Ki-Moon, The Secretary-General of United Nations

Message on the International Day for Disaster Reduction – 8 October 2008
The World Disaster Reduction Campaign for 2008-2009 focuses on making “Hospitals Safe from Disasters”.  When health facilities are damaged, so, too, is our ability to improve maternal and child health and to provide other essential health services. But in resilient communities, health systems are better able to withstand natural hazards.  We need to mobilize society at every level to reduce risk and protect health facilities so that they can save lives. more...

Beitrag der Firma SETON

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